Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So tomorrow is Thursday, the game night for the local GW and my fiance has work till 8 so I'm going to take my dark angels down for a change and see how they fair. I don't expect to win anything, but it would be nice. Here's the planned list:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tyranids Vs Dark Eldar 500pts

So today I popped down to my FLGS and had a nice quick 500 point game. I think it was my opponents bad choice of units, but for the badass super killer elves of the universe, I WIPED the small band of DE across the board from me.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

it begins

Thus starts another element of the hobby that most people look at but may never delve the depths of.

Just some startup stats, Army's I play:

40k Tyranids
40k Dark Angels (I know >.>)

WFB Lizardmen

Thats pretty much it. Ive played one tourney, which i came second in by 1 minor extra objective :(

I aspire to post for BOLS one day, but i dont have my hopes up too high.