Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tyranids vs Blood Angels 1250pts

So the other day I played another game with my Hgaunt spam list. I chnaged a few upgrades and replaced the 2nd venomthrope with a hive guard. I then added a Tyrranofex for more pew pew.

His list:
Captain with bolter and power weapon
4 Death Company with thunder hammer and jump packs
10 marines with missile launcher and flamer
5 marines
5 scouts with sniper rifles
dreadnaught with MM and storm bolter in drop pod
Baal predator with Hbolter sponsons and assault cannon
Stormraven with MM, Assault cannon and side hurricane bolters

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tyranids Vs Dark Eldar - 1000pts

Let me just say I used my list from the last post and had a little panic because we rolled dawn of war, which I noticed kinda screwed my plan back a turn, still won though.

His list
Archon with electroshock whip and shadow field (and some power weapon, don't know whether thats the whip or not...)

10 Warriors with blaster and phantasm grenade launcher in a raider(darklance), hanging out with the archon

10 Warriors with blaster

10 wyches with hekatrix w/ agonizer and 2 hydra gauntlets in raider(darklance)

6 Raver jetbacks with bloodvaynes

Ravager with blasters

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to deliver hormogaunts in 3 simple steps

So my mind is running wild at the moment. 90 poisoned (4+) attacks with re-rolls to wound is kind of a big thing, so the delivery of 30 hormogaunts into CC is a kinda cool idea. But how do you footslog 30 hormogaunts, un-touched across a table, Simple!