Let me just say I used my list from the last post and had a little panic because we rolled dawn of war, which I noticed kinda screwed my plan back a turn, still won though.
His list
Archon with electroshock whip and shadow field (and some power weapon, don't know whether thats the whip or not...)
10 Warriors with blaster and phantasm grenade launcher in a raider(darklance), hanging out with the archon
10 Warriors with blaster
10 wyches with hekatrix w/ agonizer and 2 hydra gauntlets in raider(darklance)
6 Raver jetbacks with bloodvaynes
Ravager with blasters
Mission was kill points so I was a happy panda. He wins the roll to go first and deploys his warriors without raider smack in the middle of the board in a ruin. Next is the archon and co. in raider on his board edge. .
All I throw down is my stealers behind some terrain on his board edge, panic achieved. I proceed to not sieze the initiative to that sucked but I wasn't worried at that point.
He moves his wyches up the left in their raider and brings the ravager on next to my genestealers. The archons love boat moves 12" towards my edge and the reavers fly over my stealers 24" killing 2. The ravager unloads into my stealers killing another 2. Last his warriors unload on the stealers aswell, but due to cover I save them all.
Let me also say he did roll REALLY bad the entire game.
My blob comes on 6" from my edge and I move genestealers towards the ravager with a smile. catalyst on Hgaunts goes off without a hitch but my tervigon decides he doesn't like his job and goes on strike, rolling 3 1's for spawning termagaunts and I am no longer a happy panda. Tgaunts kill 3 reavers and tervigon continues to fail and kills none. The genestealers wreck the ravager and consolidate towards the archons love boat.
Both raiders move towards the blob and kill both venomthropes, with the help of the reavers, which destroys that little bit of protection, but thanks to feel no pain I dont lose any Hgaunts to the rest of their shooting, yay! I did however lose 4 stealers to his warriors in the middle of the table. He charges with wyches into Hgaunts and archon and co. into Tgaunts. As you would assume the Tgaunts and killed quickly, giving them a pain token. In a twist of fate though, the wyches kill 3 Hgaunts and then are ripped to shreds.
My turn (sinister voice) Genestealers run up the field, Hgaunts surround archon and co. and get FNP. Tervigon failes to found warriors care of their pain token giving FNP. Then the fun begins. Tervigon and Hgaunts charge archon and co. but becuase of the grenade launcher dont get furious charge. (on a side note we had decided that defensive grenades removed FC) His archons plants 2 wounds on the tervigon and care of the whip he now cant insta-kill the archon in return. Hgaunts kill all the warriors except the sybarite and he rolls a 1 for the archons shadowfield which is just great. Genestealers fail to do anything to raider because he moved 12" but thats ok.
Raiders both turn tail and move 12" away from the combat, but kill 2 genestealers with their lances. Reavers fly over the stealers aswell causing another 3 wounds and warriors in the middle blast 2 more stealers leaving 2 and the broodlord. In the combat with archon and co. it doesn't go well for him, enough said.
I move my Hgaunts towards the middle warriors and tervigon off to the side, who continues to update catalyst on my Hgaunts. Try to stinger salvo the raider but dont pull anything off, so I go on to charge his reavers with my stealers and Hgaunts charge the warriors. genestealers consolidate towards the raider and Hgaunts towards the wyches raider.
Turn 4
All he has is the raiders, so he shoots the tervigon and wounds it with both.
Hgaunts charge raider, Stealers charge other raider. Tervigon decides to charge stealers raider aswell. I really hate the fact that I need 6's when he moves 12" it caused my untold amounts of grief. Yet I manage to immobilise and destroy the darklance with the Hgaunts but the genestealers and tervigon dont do anything to the other raider.
I kill the raiders, thats about it.
So despite having a few worries about it ending up DOW deployment, the fact that he came to me meant I wasn't at a disadvantage having to slog a little bit further across the board. I was very happy with the performance of the Hgaunts and genestealers, both fulfilling their roll in the game. I really needed 2 things to improve how I went though. 1 a better form of anti-tank, the venomthropes both got spanked on turn 1 so perhaps just the 1 to hide behind the tervigon and ill add in a hive guard. 2 a tervigon that doesn't hate me, seriously three 1's on turn 1 could you get anything more fail then that!
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